Full-Bore Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

No.  We have no idea why people put the Body Glove™ stickers on their cars tilted in the left hand corner.  We asked the Professor why he did it.  "I did it because everyone is doing it and I am a sheep.  He continued, "When our father would ask, "Why are you doing that?""  We'd answer "Because everyone is doing it."  He'd then counter with, "I suppose if everyone jumps into the ocean, you would too!"  Then we'd say, "How big is the surf?"  This was to indicate that we did have some standards, although minimal...

Mostly, partly, cloudy with sun in between the margins.  16 miles visibility, but not much to see out there.  Winds were onshore from the start of things from 3 to 5kts and the sea surface was slightly chopped going into full chop by about 11am.  The air temp was 57.5° and the water was still cool at 57.4°.  Low tide was at 7:48am -0.5' and high tide will follow at 2:43pm +3.4'.  The 46221 buoy says that there's a SW swell out of 219° at 3.6'.  That's about right as we rode some small, but fun, Sapphire with the returning Danger Boy.  DB is doing well, since he had his stint removed.  A sinuous affair, the stint ran from his bladder to his kidney.  To remove it, all they had to do was stick this pliers-like device, with a camera, inflatable collar, extension cord and feather duster into his dick and pull it out (the stint, not the dick.)  Turns out, that they didn't get a good purchase on the slippery little bugger the first time and almost turned him inside out!  Although his confidence in the medical team was fast eroding, they tried again and were successful.  He attributes the desired outcome of the procedure to medical science, prayer, Vicodan® and a large bore talliwhacker.  Glad you're back...

In photo #2 we have the Professor looking like he lost his cane on this quick little left at Sandyland.  He's been especially cranky the last few weeks, waiting for the water to warm up a bit...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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