
Showing posts from September, 2011

Forlorn Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e either downloaded a shit load of photos or nothing...  There is no explanation... O vercast this morning and it looks pretty thick.  10 miles visibility, but you don't need to see that far.  Winds were already onshore at checkout by 3.4kts and the sea surface was sporting a light ripplation.  The air temp was 63.2° and the water was 64.8°, maybe even a bit cooler on the outside according to a couple of paddlers.  Low tide early at 5:04am +1.6' and an am high tide at 11:25am +6.5'.  In case you wanna get some after-work-beachcombing in there's a minus tide (-0.3') at 6:31pm, but bring your flashlight because the sun sets at 6:39pm.  The buoy says it's a west out of 267° at 2.6' and we're calling it 1' to 3'.  Not really happening, but the tides could change things in the afternoon.  Check later... A uthenticity of photo questioned: Professor: Are you certain that pic #3 was Danger Boy? Although photo somewhat gr...

Gee, Our Old LaSalle Ran Great Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e ran across this old LaSalle while picking up LoLa's Volvo the other night.  At first we thought, "Why would anyone leave this thing out at night?"  Then we wondered, "If someone did steal it, what would they DO with it?"  Still, leaving it out there in the damp and cold - not good... O vercast this morning, breaking into hazy sun around 10-ish.  Winds were calm all through the morning and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 62.3° and the water was 66.4°.  High tide large at 10:42am +6.6' and low-low at 5:33pm -0.5'.  The buoy is reading a west swell out of 276° at 3.6' and we've got that covered in height, but the shape leaves a bit to be desired...  Always tomorrow... P hoto #2 has Mark the Pool Man running out this nice right hander.  Last Tuesday he got the wave of the day at Topaz - a ledgy right that unwound down the beach.  #3 has Danger Boy in a similar situation a little farther down the line...

White Whale Wednesday Siurf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Y ou know how sometimes you go to take a photo and you're looking at the subject and you press the shutter button and it hesitates for just a fraction of a second?  You know?  Well, if you're taking surfing shots, that's all it takes to lose your subject.  "Hell, he was just here a second ago...?" W hat a difference a day makes.  Overcast this morning with 6 miles visibility.  Winds were onshore early by 3.3kts and the sea surface has a pronounced ripple going.  The air temperature was 64.1° and the water is 67.3° (warmer than most reported summer days!)  High tide is at 10:04am +6.6' and low tide will be at 4:40pm -0.5'.  Optimum for some beach combing!  We've got a west swell out of 290° at 3.3', but it's not making the turn or something.  Surf is in the 1' to 3' range and dumpy and sucky (which sounds like two of the alternate Seven Dwarfs.)  Maybe on the turning tide... P hoto #2 features this enthusiastic...

Touchdown Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O kay, we're football idiots.  The last time we paid much attention to the pig-skin thing was when the Rams were in town.  (Unless, you're talking about eating the piggy - then that's something else.)  So we made our way up to Boise, Idaho, where they take their football pretty damned seriously, just to see some real fanatics.  We were not disappointed!  The Boise Burke Clan provided us with a full-on tailgating rig and let the Professor drive it to the stadium (#1).   You'd be surprised how folks get out of the way when you're barreling down on them with several tons of converted milk-truck painted Boise blue and orange... A beautiful day in lotus land where we had clear skies and 17 miles visibility.  Winds were calm at checkout and turned to a light ripple and almost a chop at the end of the morning.  The air temperature was 60.5° and the water is holding at 66.0°.  High tide was pretty high at 9:29am +6.3' an...

Thanks For Nothing Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... M aybe it's kinda like when your tattoo doesn't turn out exactly how you planned.  Maybe they spelled something wrong, you know...  So Miloe was in the hospital getting a suspicious group of cells removed from his forehead.  To close the wound, they had to pull up some skin from his face and then meet it in the middle with some skin they pulled up from the back of his head.  The result was surprising, as you can see from this photo taken when he got to look in the mirror for the first time.  Instead of being upset, he asked for some mascara...   (photo:  Paul Miloe) O vercast with 3 miles visibility this morning.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was gray and glassy.  The air temp was 61.9° and the water was 65.8°.  You are 98.6°, behave accordingly.  High tide was at 7:19am +4.0' and low tide will follow at 12:01pm +2.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 199° at 2.6', while we wait for that better nor...

Around the World Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T hree more photos from last Saturday's session at Secrets.  No.1 is Domenic Bruzzese on a long right wall.  He's on a new board of his own design (with some help from Ché) and was excited to be ripping on his new stick.  No. 2 is shop foreman Steve Huante, doing the long glide on his Barney purple board.  Steve is also a great guitar player, who recently morphed from heavy metal to a decidedly folk-tinged approach.  We heard him last week at The Breakwall, for a fund-raiser where he was demonstrating some fine chops.  No. 3 is Danger Boy doing a bit of a left-go-right as he waits for this wave to rare-up a bit.  See that look on his face?  He can smell retirement.  His surfing has already improved just thinking about it... O vercast this morning with 6 miles visibility.  Winds were calm to 1.1kts out of the NE and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 63.2° and the water was 65.1°.  The t...

Teakwood Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T here's the high road and then there's the low road...  Birdie and Ché experiment with both on the same wave. O vercast skies this morning, with 5 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was pretty glassy.  The air temperature was 61.4° and the water was 66.0°.  Another one tide day with a high at 3:17pm +4.7'.  The buoy was reading a 2.3' swell out of SW 217° and we're calling it 1' and flat.  There's actually a north swell running at 4.5', but it's coming out of 315° and it's too steep to hit our window.  Maybe later in the week! B illy MacIntosh holds court with his current and former roommates.  L to R:  Judy Rae, Porno Mike, Oscar Barahona, Birdie, Billy, Marcie (back) and Marie.  Seems like he never quite got that "shaka" thing... I n case you were worried that Birdie had to surf behind Ché all morning, here's him flying low out of a little barrel...   ✠   "When the surf breaks,...

Mother-Of-Pearl Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ne of those rare-special moments when you take a photograph and everyone has their mouths full. O vercast this morning with 7 miles visibility.Winds were out of the WNW early at 2.3kts and the sea surface had a little cross-ripple.  The air temperature was 62.3° and the water was 66.4°.  Basically we have one tide today, a high at 1:42pm +4.7'.  The low is at 10:47pm +3.2', even though it's going to be a tad dark...  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 202° at 2.0'.  It's a small 1' to 2', but there are a few knee slappers out there...  Both fun and funny... O ur featured surfer this morning is Birdie, streaking across this Secrets wall on his new board.  He was getting some good little waves, making the mediocre conditions look pretty good. N ote:  The Professor has jumped the BMHS ship and this year will be assisting Coach Duncan Avery at Redondo High.  Casting no aspersions on the BMHS program, the Professor fel...

Nonfunctional Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O ff to Seattle-Pacific University, Ms. Savannah Paine gets a hug before she flies the coop...  Boomfwappa has a quizzical little smile going there.  Is he happy that his daughter will be beginning her college days or is he happy that she'll be in Seattle! O vercast with a bit of drizzle this morning.  6.5 miles visibility, if you had to see that far.  Winds were calm at checkout and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temp was 65.3° and the water was 67.1°, confusing even us...  Low tide was early at 5:09am +1.9' and high tide will follow at 11:30am +5.2'.  Weird tides for the rest of the month.  Long sine-wave one-tides, morphing into closely bunched high-highs next week and low-lows, with minus afternoon tides the week after.  Sea glass hunters be on your alert!  We have a reported SSW swell out of 202° at 2.6' and we're calling it 2' to 3'.  The secret is that we've got a north kicker running with a bit o...

Thermistor Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... P iggy with apple.  Just like in the cartoons... O vercast this morning hanging on until about noon with 7 miles visibility.  Winds were calmish and the sea surface was smooth in the main.  Air temp was 64.1° and the water was 66.4° .  High tide was at 11:04am +5.3' and low tide follows at 5:41pm +1.0'.  The buoy is reading a promising swell out of  the SSW 207° at 3.0'.  You have to run around a bit, but you can find some waves, either farther north or equally farther south.  Word is Buck is down in Doheny catching some nice ones in the sunshine. T wo of the Barahona clan:  Jimmy on the left and Ché on the right.  We were by the factory the other day and saw Ché's entry in the LA shapers contest.  Part balsa, part, foam, a little redwood and all awesome.  One of the most exceptional boards we've seen in the last 20 years.  If he doesn't win, there is no justice in the world...   "When the surf ...

It's Gotta Be A Mirage Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he Professor (Photo 1) is telling you to pay attention here...  This is how it went down...  If you were there you KNOW... B ut second, let's take a quick look at the surf.  Don't worry, that's all it's gonna take...  Clear blue summer skies and 20 miles visibility.  Winds were light out of the NNW by 1.1kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature at checkout was 60.5° and the water took a jump to 67.1°, apparently all that sunshine had some effect - maybe too little too late.  High tide is at 9:55am +5.3' and low tide is at 3:57pm +0.9'.  The 46221 buoy is reading a SW swell out of 216° at 2.0'.  That's about twice as big as it looks and we're calling it 1' and poor.  Maybe , the dropping tide might let a few sneakers through, so take a look this afternoon. S ince the Professor had some experience working on his toe, Jimmy "Master Chef" Barahona suggested that he might do well injecting the piggy w...

I Gotta A Fly In My Margarita Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S ometimes it takes two pics to tell the whole story...  It all started when Rasta Pete and Jimmy Thomas were holding up the east wall of the Sea Sprite to get a little sun.  Then Danger Boy and the Professor thought that it looked like a good idea, so they joined them.  It wasn't two minutes and James Wheatley came pedaling up and jumped in the line-up.  Ivan from Brother's thought it made a good photo so he came out to record the event.  When Kevin and Glen showed up, it was a natural, so in order of appearance:  Danger Boy, Ivan Fernandes, Jimmy Thomas, Rasta Pete, The Professor, Kevin Hannon and Glen Murray (Rob Blake usually joins Kevin and Glen but his wife is having a baby and we all agreed the waves weren't that good.)  (Photo 2:  Wheatley) A gainst all odds, the sun came out this morning just like it meant it.  15 miles visibility with a bit of light haze.  Winds were calm at checkout and not too hard thro...

Third Dimension Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e often look at things the same way for so long, that it's hard to look at them differently.  We tried with this view of the RB pier. A nother spectacular day here in the Southland.  Clear skies and 20+ miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface had the slightest roll to an otherwise glassy surface.  The air temp was a balmy 68.7° and the water wasn't at 63.0°.  It feels pretty damned chilly when your body is all toasty and you hit that 63° heat sink.  High tide was at 8:20am +4.5' and low tide will follow at 1:37pm +2.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 207° at 2.3'.  The surf is a pretty 1' to 2' and if there was some way to pump it up we would.  Current swell predictions are pretty dismal for the next week.  The hurricane off Mexico disassociated and the Gulf of Alaska is still waiting to start cranking up for the fall.  After two days of sunshine we're betting that tomorrow will probably be cloud...

Turn Of The Wheel Wednesday Surf & Culture Report (Addendum)

Lost Boys & Co... I forgot to attach the photo!   "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."  The Professor!!

Turn Of The Wheel Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o they had this art fair at the Lexus dealership on Crenshaw, near Skypark last Sunday and we went with Jordan Carlisle-Rovens.  Lots of great stuff and a car dealership makes for a great art space when you get rid of all the cars and tires and fuel injectors.  We were taking a photo of this installation piece when the artist came in and delivered some more art... errr... bottles.  It was the Arrowhead guy...  Hey, Andy Warhol would'a understood... A nother cloudless day here in the arctic, with 20 miles visibility.  Winds were barely onshore at 1.1kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was a toasty 69.5° and the water wasn't at 62.2°.  High tide was at 7:48am +4.2' and low tide will be at 12:48pm +2.4'.  We have a SW swell out of 223° at 2.0' and it's 1' to 2' and perfect for a bit of a paddle... I mages in the plaster: Boomfwappa says:  Hell.....I see the Iberian Peninsula.....thats what Boomfwappa...

Tease Out That Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... P ig Roast!  Saturday at 4pm in the Professor & LoLa's backyard.  516 Paseo de las Estrellas, RB 90277 or follow the smoke.  Master piggy roaster Jimmy Barahona will be presiding.  He's cooked some good ones and you know sometimes you can't eat a pig like that all at once... T he sun came up this morning like it suddenly remembered it was a holiday and then suddenly realized it wasn't Labor Day, but the day after .  Too late, the clouds didn't show up and we had a sunny morning.  20 miles visibility and the kids are all in school!  Winds were calm, with the smoke from the Edison Co. floating straight up into the ether.  The sea surface had a slight smooth roll.  The air temperature was 67.3° and the water was "ouch!" 62.6°.  Wish that had been switched around...  Getting a little cool for the springer, but we've been persisting.  High tide was at 7:07am +3.9' and low tide was close at it's heels at 11...

Freckled Face Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O kay, one more Waikiki shot to end the week.  How'd you like to be out there in the right spot, just sitting in that swimming pool-aqua-blue-water waiting for this outsider to send you flying through two or three zip codes on your way to a mai-tai on the beach.  Get an extra umbrella to wear behind your ear... O vercast this morning and 9 miles visibility.  Winds were onshore from the get-go to 5.2kts and the sea surface had a light chop.  The air temp at checkout was a chilly 60.3° and the water reads 63.5°, but everyone says it's warmer in the lineup than yesterday?  Low tide is at 6:16am +1.5' and high tide follows at 12:48pm +5.9'.  We have a SSW swell out of 200° true at 5.2'.  Now, some places are 5.2' and some places look bigger.  Like El Porto, it looks bigger.  Then there's the Cove.  It looks good, but you might be out there with 25 of your best friends.  All of our favorite places just seemed to b...

Life Is Just A Tire Swing Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T hanks to Vinnie for sending us these pics of Waikiki!  For some perspective, the sailboat we showed anchored a couple of weeks ago would be in the center of the white water up at the top of the first photo.  So instead of being outside, it would now be right in the middle!  Looks like "Outside Queens" to "Cunhas."  It looks about twice as big as when we were there.  The second shot is a bit blurry, but you get the idea.  It's out there beyond "Castles" and a place we heard called "Steamers Lane," just like up in Santa Cruz. L ight overcast this morning breaking into some hazy sun.  7 miles visibility in most directions.  Winds were out of the north at 2.3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp at checkout was 62.3° and the water was 64.4°.  You'd think that with all that water pushing up from the southern hemisphere, it would get a bit warmer.  Apparently it doesn't work that way. Low tide is at 5:3...