Thermistor Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Piggy with apple.  Just like in the cartoons...

Overcast this morning hanging on until about noon with 7 miles visibility.  Winds were calmish and the sea surface was smooth in the main.  Air temp was 64.1° and the water was 66.4°.  High tide was at 11:04am +5.3' and low tide follows at 5:41pm +1.0'.  The buoy is reading a promising swell out of  the SSW 207° at 3.0'.  You have to run around a bit, but you can find some waves, either farther north or equally farther south.  Word is Buck is down in Doheny catching some nice ones in the sunshine.

Two of the Barahona clan:  Jimmy on the left and Ché on the right.  We were by the factory the other day and saw Ché's entry in the LA shapers contest.  Part balsa, part, foam, a little redwood and all awesome.  One of the most exceptional boards we've seen in the last 20 years.  If he doesn't win, there is no justice in the world...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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