Nonfunctional Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Off to Seattle-Pacific University, Ms. Savannah Paine gets a hug before she flies the coop...  Boomfwappa has a quizzical little smile going there.  Is he happy that his daughter will be beginning her college days or is he happy that she'll be in Seattle!

Overcast with a bit of drizzle this morning.  6.5 miles visibility, if you had to see that far.  Winds were calm at checkout and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temp was 65.3° and the water was 67.1°, confusing even us...  Low tide was early at 5:09am +1.9' and high tide will follow at 11:30am +5.2'.  Weird tides for the rest of the month.  Long sine-wave one-tides, morphing into closely bunched high-highs next week and low-lows, with minus afternoon tides the week after.  Sea glass hunters be on your alert!  We have a reported SSW swell out of 202° at 2.6' and we're calling it 2' to 3'.  The secret is that we've got a north kicker running with a bit of a local wind swell and it's giving us a bit of a lift.  Go check'em out...

Here we have the Taylor sistahs, Brooke and Allie.  They said that they were surprised that "older" people could throw such a "nice" party.  Lethal Keithal laughed so hard he almost dropped his lens cap...  "Waz so funny...?"

Regarding the piggy:
Re: the piggy pic -- are you *trying* to turn us into vegetarians?

(That wasn't our intention at all.  We just thought it looked yummy all browned and crispy-like.  Actually, the guy who invented the cooker had originally intended it to be a charcoal powered tanning booth...  Ed.)
Ditto to Keeks!  And do I see poached eyeballs?  Eeewww! Oh no, wait, that's lamb. 
(What's with the Lagatree sistahs?  Okay, it's not neatly packaged like the pork chops at Albertson's, but it's kinda the same thing.  A lot of people say that if they had to butcher and prepare their own meats, they'd be vegetarians.  We're guessing that doesn't apply to us...  Another rib?...   Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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