White Whale Wednesday Siurf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

You know how sometimes you go to take a photo and you're looking at the subject and you press the shutter button and it hesitates for just a fraction of a second?  You know?  Well, if you're taking surfing shots, that's all it takes to lose your subject.  "Hell, he was just here a second ago...?"

What a difference a day makes.  Overcast this morning with 6 miles visibility.  Winds were onshore early by 3.3kts and the sea surface has a pronounced ripple going.  The air temperature was 64.1° and the water is 67.3° (warmer than most reported summer days!)  High tide is at 10:04am +6.6' and low tide will be at 4:40pm -0.5'.  Optimum for some beach combing!  We've got a west swell out of 290° at 3.3', but it's not making the turn or something.  Surf is in the 1' to 3' range and dumpy and sucky (which sounds like two of the alternate Seven Dwarfs.)  Maybe on the turning tide...

Photo #2 features this enthusiastic young Boise fan who thought it would be a good idea to color his Mohawk orange and blue.  It looks like it was working, as his girlfriends can attest.

To round things off, we have this album cover shot from the group "The Rapture."  We usually don't listen to this kind of music, so obviously it was the photo that caught our attention.  On closer inspection we recognized the surfer as a very young Steve Jenner, who went on to ride with the "Wind-and-Sea" surf team and later worked at CSU Dominguez, with the Professor.  He still has that same fluid style, but maybe isn't looking quite as lanky...    ✠
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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