Gee, Our Old LaSalle Ran Great Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We ran across this old LaSalle while picking up LoLa's Volvo the other night.  At first we thought, "Why would anyone leave this thing out at night?"  Then we wondered, "If someone did steal it, what would they DO with it?"  Still, leaving it out there in the damp and cold - not good...

Overcast this morning, breaking into hazy sun around 10-ish.  Winds were calm all through the morning and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 62.3° and the water was 66.4°.  High tide large at 10:42am +6.6' and low-low at 5:33pm -0.5'.  The buoy is reading a west swell out of 276° at 3.6' and we've got that covered in height, but the shape leaves a bit to be desired...  Always tomorrow...

Photo #2 has Mark the Pool Man running out this nice right hander.  Last Tuesday he got the wave of the day at Topaz - a ledgy right that unwound down the beach.  #3 has Danger Boy in a similar situation a little farther down the line...  Danger Boy AWAAAY!   ✠
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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