Let The Conclave Begin Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

See Jim De Carli's response to our photo of last week.  Today we decided to install this photo of the Redondo pier area probably from the late 50's or early 60's.  Hard to tell what time of year it was, there's no snow on the mountains, so it's probably not winter.  Look at all the people on the pier!  

Foggy this morning, with less than a quarter of a mile visibility in most spots.  Winds were quirky and the sea surface was mostly smooth.  The air temperature was 53.6˚ and the water was a dampish 56.5˚.  High tide is at 10:21am +5.2' and low tide will be at 4:28pm +-0.0'.  We have a weak west swell out of 255˚ at 2.6' at the buoy and 2'+ on the beach.  You can tell some of the spots aren't happening when everyone shows up at Torrance Beach...

In response to our photo of old Redondo...
How about the twenty-five cent gas!  What did you say a dollar is worth?
Jim De Carli
(Well, in those days a dollar was worth 4 gallons, today a gallon is worth 4 dollars...  So, that means a ten-gallon hat used to cost $2.50 and now it costs $40...  Geez... math sucks...

So, the Conclave has begun and we have the latest odds on the Papal race.   

Scola Italy 11/4
Scherer Brazil 7/2
Turkson  Ghana 11/2
Ouellet Canada 8/1
O'Malley USA 14/1
Egnatuk USA 500/1
Bono Ireland 1000/1

Even though he is in first place we have inside information that says that Scola is not going to carry the ballot.  The cardinals are afraid having someone known as Pope S-cola being confused with the popular soft drink.  We think that it could also have great marketing potential.  Like, "The Pope that refreshes" or "Things go better with a Pope."   In an exciting turn of events we noticed that the Coach has come out at 500/1.  That doesn't sound great until you realize that Bono (of U-2) is only 1000/1.
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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