Woof Woof Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

You unroll these mozzarella "string" cheeses and you end up with a strand that's about 9' long.  Tasty, fresh and fun they're great for an afternoon snack or to wind up your tlayuda...

We had 15 miles visibility at checkout this morning under partly cloudy skies.  Rain is predicted for this evening, tomorrow and possibly Friday.  Winds were calm and so were you.  The sea surface was smooth with a slight roll.  The air temperature was 52.5˚ and the water was 56.3˚.  Low tide is at 11:44am -0.3' and high tide will be at 6:23pm +3.7'.  We have a WSW swell out of 243˚ at 3.3' on the buoy.  It's about 3+ feet at Hermosa and varies from there...  The tide will have it's way and the winds are almost a lock on the afternoon...  Let's see what the weather brings!

Keegan's this Friday, if you're at odds-ends.  7pm to 10pm.  No host, no lessons, no line dancing...

Any time we have a question about the future, we always head to PaddyPower.  Wether it's a presidential election, horse race, pageant or picking a new Pope, they always have the latest line on the educated possibilities.  Now you'll understand this is all in fun and not for wagering purposes, but there are those who insist on blurring those lines.  So, as of this morning here are the front runners:

Turkson (Ghana) 11-4
Scola (Italy) 3-1
Ouellet (Canada) 6-1
Bertone (Italy) 6-1
Bagnasco (Italy) 8-1
Sandri (Argentina) 12-1

To put this all in perspective, in the last election for the last Pope, Joseph Ratzinger (Germany) the eventual winner was 20-1.  Our fave is the Brazilian, Braz de Aviz at 66-1, kind of a longshot.  The highest American contender (even if it sounds like he's from Ireland) is Cardinal O'Malley at 33-1.  Okay, make your pick!  Praying is allowed...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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