#Wallycrashygromstarpsurfingonsectorninesdrinkingcuervo Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Just about as clear as it gets here in the So. Bay.  But pay attention, the photo #2 location could be seen from photo #1 spot!

Unlimited visibility after a real gully washer last night about 1:30am.  Cloudy, but not looking like it's gonna rain again, soon...  Winds were variable onshore this morning, switching around to most of the compass points, but finally honestly blowing things out around 9.  Sea surface was a bit morning sick and then just plain choppy.  Air temp was 48.9˚ and the water actually maintained at 57.0˚ and didn't dip in the wind.  High tide was at 6:24am +5.7' and low tide will follow at 1:14pm -0.8'.  Buoy is showing a WSW swell out of 236˚ at 4.6' and it's rolling along at 3' to 4' at most spots...  Should mellow out a bit for the weekend, even if it's a bit smaller...

Tarp Surfing, swag and some fairly hot surfing are on tap for tomorrow's Boardriders Surfing Contest, sponsored by Becker.  26th St. Manhattan, starting at around 7am and going until all the goodies are gone...  You'll remember Kevin "Buffalo" Holmes won the contest last month in the seniors division.  Let's see if he can two-pete...

Keegan's tonight, Happy Hour from 6-7pm and music and dancing from 7 to 10pm.  Be there or be square...

Photo #2 is the old Mayfair Market on the corner of Beryl and what is now Harbor Drive.  "So, why are there all those rocks in the road?" you ask.  Because the ocean threw them up there!  Out of the photo on the right is the ocean.  There was a rock wall that ran from just about the pier to almost Hermosa.  When there was a big storm it would hit the wall and start tossing all these loose rocks onto the street!  You had to stand back or risk getting beaned by a projectile.  Beryl St. used to get some pretty big waves in it's day...  So, how far up will the water come?  Hmmm, pretty far...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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