Full-Blooded Friday Surf & Culture Report-

Lost Boys & Co...

La Hora de Fiesta will be at El Torito on the Redondo Beach Pier.  The evening will begin promptly at 5:30pm with an invocation by the Superintendent of the Vector Control District, Southern Area #14.  His remarks will address the gravity of puddle removal, anticipating the forecasted storm systems approaching Southern Area #14...

This morning we had a confused but enthusiastic Sruf Familia...  Visibility was 5 miles and skies were cloudy.  Winds were offshore by 2.2kts and the sea surface was smooth. The air temp was 52.3 and the water is holding on or near 60.4.  Low tide was at 5:53am +2.6' and high tide followed quickly at 11:32am +4.3'.  We have a WSW swell out of 244º at 4.3' and it was 3' to 5' at most spots...  Rain is forecast for the morning, but the runoff has been clear, so there shouldn't be too much detritus in the lineup...

An avid indoorsman, the Professor is shown here (in #'s 1 & 2) in the company of two savage beasts.  He was quick to point out that this was the only circumstance in which you might find him associating with these quadrupeds...

We stared at this (#3) for a long time...  You guys did great on the COWABUNGA! moment, now help us out with this one...

Shown with LoLa and the Professor are John and Mary, from Mozambique (#4.)  John and Mary are missionaries who run an orphanage near Maputo.  Okay, now look up Mozambique.  It has this fabulous coast that faces the Indian Ocean.  What are the waves like in Mozambique?  We don't know, but we're going to find out.  Oh yeah, and the orphans...  we should help them too...   The reason this all came together is that Teresa Rankin is friends with the sponsors of this orphanage and they needed someone who had a passing understanding of Portuguese.  In walks the Professor, with his passing understanding of Portuguese.  But also being a shameless adventurer, he thought this might be some opportunity to surf Mozambique...  oh yeah, and help the orphans...  We will report as this blossoms into a full-blown saga...  You know, orphans, travel, philanthropy, surfing, selflessness, generosity, etc...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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