Hobson's Choice Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Mr. Dave Dietz (#1) wearing one of his collection of caps with ear flaps...  Maybe a tad eccentric, but he also happens to have a magnificent collection of photos of Hermosa and Redondo from the 50's and 60's... 

Very nice out there this morning with 20+ miles visibility under almost cloudless skies.  Winds were light offshore and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 45.5 and the water is 60.4.  High tide was at 11:06am +5.7' and low tide followed at 5:58pm -0.7'.  Surf is supposed to be slightly bigger tomorrow and the RUHS Surf Team is out at 7:30am...  Oh yeah, and Doc's got his stitches out...

If Dave thought he needed ear flaps, he's lucky he wasn't in Westbrook, Maine, where it was so cold that this ice disk formed in an eddy of the river there (#2).  The water in the middle of the eddy gets colder and freezes and then starts to collect ice along the edges until you get this phenomenon.  It's one of those things that you'd never imagine until you see it...

The only reason Mr. Christian and Capt. Donaldo are standing there is that we asked them to take a photo (#3).  They were in the water in short order enjoying the beautiful winter's day...

It was like this (#4) at the Hermosa Pier this morning.  As the tide came up, it was holding some nice long left lines...

Shade, Sea Level Bar, Friday night at 5.  We upped it an half an hour to better take advantage of the 6pm cutoff for happy hour.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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