These Are The Days Of Miracles & Wonder Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Tower #13 (#1) is for lifeguards who can't manage to climb the ramp to the tower...  (Photo credit:  Jetski for Life Vest and Flotsam Monthly)

Clear skies and over 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 3.8kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 41.2 and the water is trying to get to 60, but is currently stuck at 59.7.  High tide was at 7:04am +6.1' and low tide follows, for your clam digging pleasure, at 2:16pm -0.7'.  There's a west swell out of 270º true running at 2' and that's unfortunately registering as flat...

Our art director loved this shot (#2) by Raquel Cerqueira, who shall be known by her artistic nom de plume as simply "Raquel".  She has been posting some great images for the last few years and is really coming into her own as a legitimate photographer.  The good news is that she'll be here in Southern California for several months beginning at the end of the January!  She works in both black and white and color and her use of light is reminiscent of Georges La Tour's painting style.  We think it's poetic...

We were talking about the New Horizon space vehicle's fly-by of Ultima Thule...  The Professor said he had a photo of the surface of Ultima Thule.  We said he was full of shit.  Then he brought up this image (#3).  He said it was frozen methane mountains floating on a sea of nitrogen...  We looked at it and it kinda looked like frozen methane...  Then we pressed him about it and he said that it was the top of a car that had Thule ski racks on it and he thought it looked like the ultimate Thule...

Speaking of legitimate photographers, we snagged this image by Anthony Renna (#4).  It's of a secret spot, in a secret state, in a secret country, that you could drive to for less than a tank of gas, but go when it's going to be low tide...

Patrick Malloy's for la hora de fiesta.  Bundle up and maybe they have hot toddies?  Has anyone tried a hot martini?  5:30 BTOBS...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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