
Showing posts from September, 2020

Was THAT A Debate Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A memorable first presidential debate of this election cycle.  A bit chaotic (to say the least), but we have an idea.  Let's have both President Trump and Vice President Biden debate naked.  No podiums.  Hand held mics and an audience in the round.  We're thinking it would take on a gladiatorial aspect as they circled the stage and unleashed their barbs at their opponent.  Also coming out at the bell they could jump right in on body shaming and thinly veiled or obvious sexual inadequacies.   Ratings through the roof on that one... M eanwhile, Ché and the Professor got into the shaping bay and mowed out a bullet for Mexico (#1).  23½ wide, 3¼ thick and 9'6" long, it's a log for all seasons.  Includes a fair amount of magic as well... C lear as a bell this morning and the winds were offshore by 3.7kts for a beautiful fall morning.  The air was 67.1º and the water is holding at 70.7º.  High tide was at 9:25a...

A Debatable Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he tour started in Geezer Lake Minnesota (#1) the week before Halloween.  They had an early snow and some places didn't have the heat adjusted yet.  At the "Ballroom Ballroom" they cranked up the heat and strings started popping.  It sounded like a Yoko Ono film soundtrack.  Even the congas were flat and Chelé used a bottle opener to tune them when he couldn't find his drum key... H ermosa has been so deceptive lately.  Photo #2 is a good example.  If you stood there, you actually saw some good waves.  But if you tried to photograph them they would hide until you put the camera down.  There was 2 miles visibility this morning and it kept trying to get legitimately foggy.  Winds were out of the NW up to 2kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 66.3º and the water is holding at 71.1º.  High tide was at 9:05am +5.0' and low tide was at 2:47pm +1.4'.  There is a SSW swell out of 197º at ...

Manhattan Clam Chowder Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... #1)  T his would be from the first album "Electric Palm Tree."  Now it's a collectors item, but to be honest, it didn't sell worth a darn and haunted the band for years.  This was the painting on the side of the tour bus... #2)  J etski checking out the surf on Larry Dairy's side hack rig.  There must've been something to it since the surf was really fun and everyone had a good time.  It was overcast and we had 10 miles visibility.  Winds were light to non-existent out of the north.  The air was 65.5º and the water was a delightful 71.1º.  High tide was at 8:41am +4.9' and low tide was at 2:14pm +1.8'.  We have a SW swell out of 225º at 2.3' and it was 2' to 3' and if you were patient you could find a corner and get some traction through the flat spots in the middle...  A fter a couple of sessions at Cardon, the band headed south to Mazatlán for a night on the town (#3).  Yes, this is the night that Capita...

How Many Album Cover Fridays Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... #1)  W hat is this?  (Yes, we're going to tell you...) T he famous and fabu lead singer and guitar player of the Hollow Legs, Kira "Duck Lips" Lingman.  This is the worst photo she has ever taken, but we couldn't resist... P artly cloudy this morning with 7 miles visibility.  Winds were consistent offshore and the sea surface was smooth. The air temp was 63.3º and the water was 68.9º.  High tide was at 7:03am +4.1' and low tide was barely low at 11:41am +3.0'.  We have a west swell out of 268º at 3.3' and it was 3' to 4' with some good waves breaking through all the tidal iterations... T his is the album cover (#3) from "Coco and the Coconuts:  Live at Brother's Burritos."  Going back through some of our photos we realized we had a number of images that qualified as cover art!  So next week, if we get our act together or if we put the band back together, we'll run some of our favorites... #1)   I t's a sp...

Pretty Damned Flat Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L adies and Germs (Covid no doubt...) please welcome, our hero, a genuine surfing legend and and all around right guy, Donnie Souther...  Undoubtedly one of our favorite travel partners and Mexico denizen, Don has probably spent  a third of his life below the border... and off the radar... O vercast this morning, clearing early with winds out of the NE by 2.1kts.  The sea surface was glassy.  The air temp was an extremely damp 59.1º and the water was even damper at 70.2º.  High tide was at 5:55am +3.7' and low tide follows early at 9:52am +3.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 194º at 2.3', but it was half that and looked like a sure recipe for twisting ankles, dragging fins and planting noses... W hat are those guys pointing at?  (#2)  The Professor asked Sal, Tarsan and Ronnie to pose for a photo and when he looked at the result he couldn't figure out at what they were pointing.  Well, if you blow this photo up (at your ow...

It's A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... P eople come from all over the world to take photos of the Lighthouse from this vantage point (#1)...  Well, not recently because the world's been mostly closed, but it's definitely a destination...  The light seemed to be so right, we stopped in the middle of getting out of a wetsuit to take this snap... U nder overcast skies, clearing early in the day we had 10 miles visibility.  Light onshore winds left the sea surface smooth and lightly rolled.  The air temperature was 63.5º and the water was nice at 70.0º.  Low tide wasn't that low at 7:58am +2.9' and high tide will be at 2:40pm +5.3'.  We have a SSW swell out of 192º at 2.0' and that's supposed to be increasing as we skid towards the weekend... Y ou CAN (and probably will) lose your balance (#2), especially if you ride on the south side of the pier.  You'd think that being able to surf would help with so many things, but the truth of the matter is that it helps with surfing,...

Triple Play Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... C ontestants getting ready for the first and only heat of the "Smallest Wave Noseriding & Noseplanting Contest."  The 24th contest which is held whenever we feel like it, went off without a hitch and produced some actually predictable results. Best Noseride:  Mr. Christian Stutzman (Including shooting the pier) Longest Ride:  Kira Lingman Most Steps Taken On One Wave:  Jah Morgan Best Pig-dog:  Tarsan Blogo Vlado Rudo Leko Deepest Pearl:  Jetski  (least total paddles in one heat) Most Manuvers On A Single Wave:  Ronnie Von Diner Best Moustache:  Doc ? Best Noseplant:  The Professor C onditions were gray and windless as the horn sounded for the heat.  The air temperature was 65.5º and the water was 70.7º (although Jetski had no idea since he was in his new wetsuit and didn't even feel the water.)  Low tide was at 6:53am +2.3' and high tide will be at 1:26pm +5.6'.  There was a SW swell out of 216º ...

Modulating On A Monday Surf & Culture Report (The Masses Need To Know...)

Lost Boys & Co... L ike Mother (#1), Like daughter (#2), we have Kathy Welch and Morgan Jah Morgan plying the waters of the South Bay to excellent effect.  Kathy paddles on most Saturdays and then has brunch at R-10 (local rules allowing).  Morgan surfs the pier and then has burritos at Brothers.  See how that works?  Strenuous physical activity and then a commensurate reward... W e looked at it this morning and decided it was too small, but we went out anyway.  It was overcast and 7 miles visibility, not looking particularly inviting.  There was a light wind out of the west and the air was 66.3º and the water was a pleasant 70.5º.  Low tide was at 6:08am +1.6' and high tide came in at 12:33pm +5.9' completely soaking our pedal pushers to mid-calf.  We have a SSW swell out of 210º at 2' and it just happened to be one of the best sessions we've had in recent memory.  It certainly wasn't big, but it was fun and everyone caught their share o...

Somebody's Got To Be Serious Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O kay, we're going to use a visual aid (#1) this morning.  Rather than describing our visibility as "foggy to hazy" we'll let you decide what's going on in photo #1.  At this point the fog was rolling back and you could finally see the Breakwall, but about an half hour later it started rolling back in and soon the foghorn was sounding it's rather mournful warning.  Winds were also variable, moving the damp air around at will, before finally turning on-shore around 11am.  The air temp was 58.5 and the water was warmer at 67.6.  High tide was at 10:01am +5.5' and low tide follows at 3:50pm +0.6'.  We have a SSW swell out of 210º at 3.6' and it was 3'+ and pretty fun for the assembled wave riders... M eanwhile down the beach at 14th St. LadySpaine (#2) was shooting a music video for Megan Mahowald.  It seems they needed some extras who could really surf and Megan got Suzi to do all the stunt work.  When we get some of the out...

It's Not Wrong If It's Right Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H azy sun, no...  more like smog (#1).  That smoke and fog that we are no strangers to as we bump along in this season that taxes our imaginations and leaves us wondering about what we know and what we think we know...  The fact that we can still go surfing is a miracle in the throes of everything else that's going on and going wrong...  Mexico?  Always an option... S hmazy hazy, shmoggy etc.  Less than 2 miles visibility and slightly breathable.  Winds out of the NW, light and less than the advertised 4kts.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 58.3 and the water is 66.9 warming in the afternoon to high sixties.  High tide at 9:31am +5.1' and low tide skids along at 3:00pm +1.0'.  There's a SSW swell out of 209º at 2.0' and it was an almost consistent 2' with an occasional outside that inevitably caught you waiting ten yards inside the takeoff point...  Indicators suggest that it should be...

Smoke & Fog = Smog Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... There's a lot going up in smoke this week and it's not even fire season yet...  Are we paying attention? Light winds this morning and heavy smog bringing visibility down to about 2 miles.  The air temperature was 60.6 and the water is 66.4.  High tide was at 8:37am +4.4' and low tide was at 1:41pm +2.1'.  We have a SSW swell out of 202º at 2.3' and it was 2' with some slinky little grinders uncoiling down the beach.  Some board trading going on, as folks were trying to get some insight into changing up some dimensions on new sticks... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

A Frida Kahlo Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " W ake up and smell the smoke..."  The sun was up (#1) like Sunkist® trying to advertise their latest orange juice cocktail.  We actually heard someone say, "Hey, what's that up there?"  Meant to be a joke it sounded stupid and obtuse to the fires and suffering accompanying the barely visible sun...  Yeah, there's no global warming.  There are 28 fires raging out of control in the west and it's not really fire season yet... F oggy this morning as the warm air in the basin met the damp marine layer.  Visibility was maybe a couple of blocks and there was a light wind from the south by 1.9kts. The air temp was 58.3 and the water was 67.1.  High tide was at 7:41am 3.5' and low tide follows at 10:43am 3.3'.  Not much tidal shift, but it beat yesterday when we only had one tide in the middle of the day. There's a SSW swell out of 212º at 2.6' and it was a ragged 1' to 2' and not much push... T he smoke was heavy i...

Watership Down Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hat can you possibly do on a day when the surf is really small?  Well, for one thing you can teach your friends how to surf!  So, Mr. Christian, the Professor, Jah Morgan, Larry Van Dairy Wey and Doc ? took Kimmy Suz and Shayne out for a day of technique and practice.  Here (#1) we have the group at the ready to hit the surf...  A more eager crew you couldn't find along the entire coast... A bit windy this morning with 10 miles visibility under partly cloudy skies.  The air temperature was 63.9 and the water is 68.4.  High tide was at 10:32am +4.8' and low tide will be at 4:01pm +1.5'.  We have a SSW swell out of 215º at 2.6'.  It was 1' to 2' and fun, funny and pretty much excellent for lessons... I n #2 we have Shayne blasting along on the yellow foamy.  She did really well and is getting comfortable in the water.  You have to remember that when you're only four feet tall, two foot waves can be more than enough ...

Tunnel Vision Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W hen your wetsuit refuses to stay zipped, you have to take matters into your own hands.  #1)  A little Velcro® is sure to do the trick in these less than sticky situations...  The Professor will be holding wetsuit repair classes this fall... O vercast this morning with less than 10 miles visibility and winds out of the WNW by 4.8kts.  The sea surface was just south of choppy and the whole thing was a bit chilly.  The air temperature was 64.5 and the water was 68.4.  If it stays that cold in the morning the water's not going to get any warmer.  High tide was at 10:08am +4.7' and low tide will be at 3:25 +1.7'.  There's a SSW swell out of 212º at 1.6' and it was more like 1' and poor.  That being said, it was remarkable how many waves were being ridden.  Larry Van Dairy Wey started out with a right that kept on unwinding off the bubbles at Scottie's reef.  Jah Morgan in the middle, matched it and then Larry came...