Triple Play Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Contestants getting ready for the first and only heat of the "Smallest Wave Noseriding & Noseplanting Contest."  The 24th contest which is held whenever we feel like it, went off without a hitch and produced some actually predictable results.

Best Noseride:  Mr. Christian Stutzman (Including shooting the pier)

Longest Ride:  Kira Lingman

Most Steps Taken On One Wave:  Jah Morgan

Best Pig-dog:  Tarsan Blogo Vlado Rudo Leko

Deepest Pearl:  Jetski  (least total paddles in one heat)

Most Manuvers On A Single Wave:  Ronnie Von Diner

Best Moustache:  Doc ?

Best Noseplant:  The Professor

Conditions were gray and windless as the horn sounded for the heat.  The air temperature was 65.5º and the water was 70.7º (although Jetski had no idea since he was in his new wetsuit and didn't even feel the water.)  Low tide was at 6:53am +2.3' and high tide will be at 1:26pm +5.6'.  There was a SW swell out of 216º at 2.0' and it was 1' to almost 2'.  Perfect for this challenge!

Three unusual rides for sale (#2).  From 7'4" to 8'8".  All excellent beach break mid-size boards.  The middle one (The Cardon Flyer) is great for points and any place you want to go really fast...  Call the Professor for more info:  310-626-7014...

Thanks to Marie Kondo, we've gotten into thanking our old clothes, photographing them, and then throwing them away.  These were our faves for over ten years and finally the rips became more than we could rescue.  Thinking about writing a country song about them...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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