A Debatable Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

The tour started in Geezer Lake Minnesota (#1) the week before Halloween.  They had an early snow and some places didn't have the heat adjusted yet.  At the "Ballroom Ballroom" they cranked up the heat and strings started popping.  It sounded like a Yoko Ono film soundtrack.  Even the congas were flat and Chelé used a bottle opener to tune them when he couldn't find his drum key...

Hermosa has been so deceptive lately.  Photo #2 is a good example.  If you stood there, you actually saw some good waves.  But if you tried to photograph them they would hide until you put the camera down.  There was 2 miles visibility this morning and it kept trying to get legitimately foggy.  Winds were out of the NW up to 2kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 66.3º and the water is holding at 71.1º.  High tide was at 9:05am +5.0' and low tide was at 2:47pm +1.4'.  There is a SSW swell out of 197º at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3' and really pretty fun!

The album was "Galleria Tattoo" and the photo shoot (#3) was in Havana, Cuba.  Tarsan got a tattoo every time we stopped and he began to look like a road map to all of the "casitas particulares."  It was almost called "Up the Down Staircase," for obvious reasons (#4) but Tarsan said he got dizzy every time he looked at the photo.  Donnie scored this hat down by the Bodega de Medio and cigar smoking women followed him everywhere...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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