Was THAT A Debate Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

A memorable first presidential debate of this election cycle.  A bit chaotic (to say the least), but we have an idea.  Let's have both President Trump and Vice President Biden debate naked.  No podiums.  Hand held mics and an audience in the round.  We're thinking it would take on a gladiatorial aspect as they circled the stage and unleashed their barbs at their opponent.  Also coming out at the bell they could jump right in on body shaming and thinly veiled or obvious sexual inadequacies.   Ratings through the roof on that one...

Meanwhile, Ché and the Professor got into the shaping bay and mowed out a bullet for Mexico (#1).  23½ wide, 3¼ thick and 9'6" long, it's a log for all seasons.  Includes a fair amount of magic as well...

Clear as a bell this morning and the winds were offshore by 3.7kts for a beautiful fall morning.  The air was 67.1º and the water is holding at 70.7º.  High tide was at 9:25am +5.1' and low tide was at 3:17pm +1.2'. We have an oblique SSW swell out of 198º at 3.9' and it was 3' to 4' with some sweet peaks between the pier and 10th St...

The Buck and the Buckaroos tour with Buck Delameter and the boys, including Luke, Jetski, Clarke and the Professor (#2) before Buck Owens made them change their name to "Buck and the Aloha Mutineers."  (#3) was some rehearing in the campground at San Onofre.  Two instruments that aren't naturals together are accordions and ukuleles.  Buck plays a B flat button box and playing a B flat on the uke is a pain-in-the-ass...  But there was a certain magic about the pairing...

Sound check at the Hollywood Bowl (#4).  Jetski and the Professor hiked to the top to make sure everything was perfect.  The entire group brought bowling balls in designer bags...   The album:  "Lucky Strike:  The Aliens at the Hollywood Bowl."

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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