Modulating On A Monday Surf & Culture Report (The Masses Need To Know...)

Lost Boys & Co...

Like Mother (#1), Like daughter (#2), we have Kathy Welch and Morgan Jah Morgan plying the waters of the South Bay to excellent effect.  Kathy paddles on most Saturdays and then has brunch at R-10 (local rules allowing).  Morgan surfs the pier and then has burritos at Brothers.  See how that works?  Strenuous physical activity and then a commensurate reward...

We looked at it this morning and decided it was too small, but we went out anyway.  It was overcast and 7 miles visibility, not looking particularly inviting.  There was a light wind out of the west and the air was 66.3º and the water was a pleasant 70.5º.  Low tide was at 6:08am +1.6' and high tide came in at 12:33pm +5.9' completely soaking our pedal pushers to mid-calf.  We have a SSW swell out of 210º at 2' and it just happened to be one of the best sessions we've had in recent memory.  It certainly wasn't big, but it was fun and everyone caught their share of knee knockers...  The surf is supposed to get better as the week continues, so hang in there...

In case you were wondering where Tom goes when Kathy goes paddling.  He takes Sam for a ride and scares the shit out of the seals and other pinipeds.  It appears that sometimes he lets Sam drive the boat, which makes everyone extremely happy...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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