Paddle, Paddle, Paddle Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

It's 32 miles from the Isthmus of Catalina to the south side of the Manhattan Pier.  It takes almost an hour by a fast boat.  You probably can only see Catalina Island 50% of the time from our spot on the mainland.  There are people who have lived all their lives in Southern California and have never been to Catalina.  We have been a number of times, but we have never had the overwhelming compulsion to leave in such a hurry that we'd paddle across the channel.  Oh yeah, the channel.  To cross the channel you must also cross one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.  Some of the tankers that ply the channel are over 1,000 feet long.  They don't stop and they can't turn.  The channel is home to the full spectrum of sharks from Blue to White, Bull to Black Tip.  Most of the time they don't present a problem, when they do, it can be ugly.  Oh yeah, there are jellyfish that bloom like Venus Flytraps.  At the bottom of the channel, which slinks down to 3,000 feet (No, you can't touch the bottom) in some spots, is an entire array of discarded chemicals and detritus that could split open and pollute an area the size of Orange County.  Come to think of it, those are some good reasons to get across as fast as you can…

So who among us has the cajones to paddle across the channel?  Why Christian Stutzman that's who!  He laughs at tankers, he scoffs at sharks, he swats jellyfish like annoying flies and chemicals?  He eats them for dinner!  Attached is a photo of him making his exit at the Manhattan Beach Pier into the arms of his devoted, beaming wife.  Yeah, he's our hero!

Inline image

Meanwhile, Monday dawned a beautiful summer day wit unlimited visibility and light offshore winds.  The air temperature was 64.9º and the water is a summer-like 70.0º.  Low tide was at 8:19am +2.7' and high tide will be at 3:25pm +5.5'.  It's a SSW swell out of 202º at 2.0' and the surf was 1' to 2' and perfect for a dip, but not exactly boardable.

That  being the case, with no jump in size predicted, we will be having a "Sponge-a-palooza" in the morning south of the Hermosa Pier.  Bring your sponge, kneeboard or paipo and disport yourself among the small surf for your amusement and that of your colleagues and associates.  Water start at 8am!  Donnie says he's going out!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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