The First Of Fogust Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Well here we are, the first of Fogust.  Someday we'd like to be on the Firth of Forth on the First of Fogust.  An alliterative dream of ours.  And not only is it overcast, but it's not warm at all.  Let's look at the stats...

We'll give it 10 miles visibility even though it's pretty hazy and overcast.  Winds are onshore 1 to 3kts and the sea surface is slightly textured.  The air was 61.1º and the water is a chilly 63.5º.  On the cusp of sleeves or shorty.  High tide was at 9:26am +3.9' and low tide will follow at 1:41pm +2.6'.  It's a SSW swell out of 193º at 2.3' and it was a rolling 2' with some almost corners.

We had a great conversation with S.J. Bacallao this morning about the local surf scene.  She's writing a piece for "Hermosa Magazine" (honestly we didn't know Hermosa HAD a magazine, but we're glad they do.)  She was asking "What do you think about when you're in the water?"  We found that passingly funny because this morning we were out there and the surf was small and we were trying to decide how to approach these little ankle biters.  We had been watching Joey Lombardo teach a class and it dawned on us that we might approach the surf like we were beginners (attached is a photo of a legit beginner #1.)  We started out deciding which waves were rideable.  "No that's just a bump, yes, this looks like it has some push!"  Then we reassessed our position on the board.  "Hey this is really small, we need to get that nose flat in the water, head down and paddle like you mean it."  Jokingly, we always say the three things you have to remember in surfing are "paddle, paddle, paddle" well, that's no joke.  So we started keying on those basic elements and we ended up catching some ragged little insiders that thrill all of us beginners!  Cowabunga!

Word on the street is that Jetski will be joining us in the morning and we're all going to get back to basics.  Join up for some longboards, lips and laughs! 

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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