Surf Festival Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So when the going gets tough, the tough go to the track!  Celebrating Ronnie's birthday (which is really today, we think) the crew headed down to Del Mar and instead of taking a right turn and going to the beach, they made a left and went to watch the ponies.  Everyone looks happy (#1), but we couldn't take our eyes off of Clarke and his very stylish stingy-brim.

While here in the So. Bay we're getting ready for the International Surf Festival (starts tonight at 7:30pm under the lights) and trying to make things out in the fog.  Sometimes less than 200yds visibility, the fog horn let us know where to find the end of the pier.  Winds were light onshore and the sea surface was lightly textured.  The air and the water were both 63.0º.  High tide is at 10:00am +4.0' and low tide follows at 2:28pm +2.5'.  It's a WSW swell out of 241º at 2.3' and it was 2' with a bit of a push. 

Of course the big news was that after more than a year, Jetski, made it back into the water.  He paddled out, spun around and caught the first wave of the set.  Looked like he hadn't missed a day.  We're not saying he was stoked, but he's looking into changing his work sched.

#2.  Shows our man Stutzcanhang strolling up the beach after a session.  So look at the sand dunes, the little creek and that etched blue sky.  He must be in Spain?  Brazil?  Africa?  No!  He and Jah Morgan are in DENMARK celebrating their honeymoon.  How fun!  He is looking pretty damned Danish!

We'll be traveling next week, but we'll attempt to keep you in touch with our visit to Crescent City in Nor. Cal.  We remind you to send us some travel pics as you roll through your summer!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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