Tuna Fish Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Okay, so If you've been following the report, you know we've been worm-holed to the dark side of Boogie-land.  Like this morning when José Bacallao, Rocket Miller, Burnsy, the Professor and Ronnie hit the overhead grinders, much to their delight.  To top it off Logan Nelson (recently from Colorado) joined us for some tips on improving his surfing.  On the way back to the future who should stop us but the body board, bodysurfing champion of the entire universe (known and unknown) John Shearer!  He quite literally mowed folks down on the Strand to take this shot of Burnsy, Rocket and the Professor (#1).  Apparently he wanted photographic evidence when we deny the whole thing...

A sense of impending Fall is in the air, but we're holding on to the last vestiges of summer.  We're good 'til October right?  10 miles visibility under heavy overcast.  Winds dropping out of the south at 1 to 4kts.  The air was 62.1º and the water is holding at 70.5º.  High tide was at 9:02am +4.3' and low tide follows at 1:50pm +2.4'.  Out of the SSW (196º) at 2.3' and it was a folding 2' to 3' and trying to open some lefts for the pure of heart.  Yes, it was fun...

The good news is that there will be a gathering of the familia in the morning armed with their sponges, mats, paipos and rockets.  Not that we need to say this but:  Checkout at 7:30am, on the Hermosa Pier.  A water start at approximately 8am.  All ages welcome, few rules and a post session meeting at Brothers Burritos.  Your participation will be your reward!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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