Forehand Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Here we have some our favorite spineless, communal organisms.  These were in the Honolulu Aquarium, along with a host of indigenous island fishies.  If you haven't been there, include it on your next trip to Oahu.  It's inexpensive, educational and fun.  Great if you've got rug rats who still don't snork themselves...

Visibility at checkout was down in ¼ mile range.  Fog and low clouds are the order of the morning.  Wind is onshore by 3.7kts and the sea surface is sporting a light tack.  The air temp is a chilly 58.5° and the water is heading toward winter temps at 60.8°.  High tide is at 7:35am +3.6' and low tide rebounds quickly at 11:20am +3.0' as the tides get back into a more normal rhythm.  The buoy is reading a west swell out of 265° at 2.3'.  It's hitting the beaches at 1' to 2' and pretty weak.  Looks like there's not much in store for the weekend, so we're heading to Boise to see if everyone takes Monday off...  We'll be back Tuesday...

Now we're into SHIT-tember...
Heather Grottke
(No argument from us...   Ed.)

Jack in question would be none other than ' jack cerrito ' . 
L (X9balls)

That is correct. He can be found surfing Hags most winter days and is likely surfing mainland Mexico right now. He sells boards out of Pier surf. Cheers!
Thank you, Robert Stassi
(SEE!  All you have to do is ask...  (Thanks to L & Robert...  Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!


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