Tricyclic Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Go ahead, look at the CDIP array and tell us what YOU see...  Kinda looks like there's that finger of 3' to 4' swell pointing right at Topaz, huh.  Maybe even some Sappharua snappers?  Well, we looked and waited.  Not much.  Went to Hermosa.  Hermosa was 3' to 4' and breaking in 2 block long sections.  Crash!  Boom!  Okay, so maybe the Cove?  Photo #3 is the Cove.  One peak, 15 guys sitting on top of each other.  Enough sea weed to choke a blue whale.  So we went back to the avenues - like something is going to happen.  The fog starts to drift in (photo #2.)  We try to remember that poem by Carl Sandburg.  Something like, "The fog comes in on little cat's feet.  Slipstreams by Haggerty's and Rat.  Just chillin' on its butt.  Then moves on..."  Miss Shearer would scream...

Partly cloudy this morning, with 12 miles visibility in some directions.  Winds were sorta calm and the sea surface had a slight ripple.  The air temperature at checkout was 64.4° and the water was a tad warmer at 64.8°.  Low tide starts off the day at 5:25am +2.9' and high tide is at 12:51pm +5.2'.  The buoy is reading a 3.0' swell out of 266° W.  We're calling it 2' to 4', with no shape, to crummy shape, to good shape at the Cove with 15 surfistas.

Dead men surf pin tails!
thanks for the laugh. silly lady, PURPUS LIVES!
Mr. Staich
(But not rounded pins, right?   Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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