Frontal Lobe Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Haven't seen any of the Big Blues by the end of this week.  Mike McKinney was heading out to paddle and try and find a few.  The Voyager crew had to head out about 7 miles yesterday and they only found four.  We can't imagine that they've had a reception anywhere else like they had in the South Bay...  Bill Brown took this photo of these tail flukes about to wave goodbye.  Seems like every drop of water is in the right place...

Pay attention:  Chart House.  5:30pm.  Bar.

The sun came up this morning like a cosmic #1 ball out of the blue-black felt firmament.  Good to see it.  Danger Boy and the Professor could see 20 miles, barely making out S&M across the bay.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was predictably glassy, like Ronnie Gersch's left eye.  The air temp at checkout was a chilly 55.9° and the water was 63.1°.  High tide was at 10:04am +5.5' and low tide will follow at 4:31pm +0.6'.  Our sources tell us we have a SW swell out of 220° at 2.0'.  Even the tidal push didn't help this morning, so we're stuck with 1' to 2' knee slappers.  You know how it is...  there's always tomorrow...

There is no question why Danger Boy is reading the paper. 

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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