Thespian Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We had breaky with Gidget this morning at Brother's and Rasta Pete came in and was bitching about the weather.  "Can you believe this summer?" he said.  "We just got through with "FOG-UST" and now September is worse."  Everyone was on the edge of their seats wondering if he had a trick bad weather moniker for September, but he left us hanging.  So, it's up to you...  Got something as clever as "fogust?"  Let us know...

Foggy, with about a ¼mile visibility.  Winds are onshore by 2.5kts and the visible sea surface has a light tack.  The air temp is a clammy 58.6° and the water is even clammier at 61.9°.  Only one tide today and it's high at 4:23pm +5.2'.  The buoy is reading a 2.0' swell out of the SSW at 197°.  By the time it hits the beach it's 1' and poor to dismal.  The weatherman isn't any help.  They're telling us that the inland areas will be heating up to the triple digits.  This means that with the colder water temps the high pressure area will be sucking all that cool air off the water and making it 30° to 40° cooler at the beach!  So that means that if it's 100° at Buck's house in Riverside, it'll be from 60° to 70° west of Hawthorne Blvd.  That just sucks!  Wait...  We've got it!  "Suck-tember!"

Funny I was watching: ";Hawaii Five-O"  on SPIKE TV today and was thinking gee this was shot just a few years after they became a State, then I opened up the Lost Boys and saw you utility cover.....very cool. As always digging seeing my home surf and hearing whats up.
Thanks   DT      Da Swami     
P.S. Our Surf is broke here in Spokane WA.  Can't fix it ! 
(We feel your pain Swami!  It's not so red hot here either...  Ed.)

Hello Professor,
I have been enjoying your newsletters, thanks.
Seeing you shaping a foam made me wonder if you know the shaper of my board, Jack (sorry no last name), he lived around inbetween Redondo and Hermosa when I lived in US 6 or 7 yrs back. He once belonged to a big time group of shapers in Huntington Beach (Plastic Fantastic), I think.
We haven't seen a typhoon since my last email here in Japan, surf has been very small in Shonan areas. 
Haven't surfed for quite sometime now (with a baby), love to get back.
(Maybe some of our readers will know "Jack."  As usual we don't know Jack.  We 're not sure whether we should wish a typhoon on you, but if it helps the surf we'll send our best wishes!  As far as the baby goes, maybe you could just strap the little bundle on your back and do some tandem action!  Better yet, let dad have some quality time on the beach while you're in the water!   Ed.)

Re: Hermosa's concerts on the beach...

 Let me know if you're going and I'll get you some tickets to the front section for Big Sam's Funky Nation September 12th!

Big Wave Dave

(We'll be there, but we got an earlier invite from some of the folks in the cheap seats.  Because our reputation precedes us we've been relegated to 10th St. or less...   Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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