Typecast Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Look at the size of those balls!  Big volleyball weekend in Manhattan, last week.  Always a lot of swag available at these events.  Our recent fave was a beach towel with a chalk outline of a body.  Great concept, but lousy towels.

Was it warm enough for you yesterday?  It not only broke the record in LA yesterday, but it broke the official recording thermometer!  They finally decided that 113° was the official high.  We registered 102° under the eaves on the lanai at the Topaz International Trump Tower.  The first time we've ever seen triple digits!  Cloudy this morning with 15 miles visibility.  Winds are howling offshore at 11.7kts and the sea surface is glassy and then some.  The air temperature at checkout was 67.1° and the water was a chilly 64.6°.  Low tide is at 5:12am +2.6' and high tide will be at 11:59am +5.4'.  Even though the predictions continue to suggest some swelling - the buoy is reading a 2.6' swell out of the SW 227°.  We're calling it 2' to 3' and a bit walled as we head toward high tide.  Things might get better if the swell builds and the tide drops.  Yesterday afternoon there were a lot of folks who thought that Sapphire might make an appearance.  But both Topaz and Sapphire didn't quite measure up although they did have some waves.

It's not the heat, or is it...
Re: The Professor and the lady who was acting crazy...

Like my dentist just got done saying , just keep it open  a little longer . 
Can't argue with crazy. .
(Thinking silence is golden, but duct tape is silver...  Ed.)

I think the heat brings the crazies out...
Heather Grottke
(Well there were at least two...  Ed.)

Sounds like the Prof has joined the Paver sect:  the open-mouthodists.  Not sure about the crazies, though they usually do become more apparent when heated.  For sure, the winged ants are up and about. . . .
(The Professor is not only in the sect, but an elder in good standing...  Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!


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