Booty/No Booties Call Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

It's either the Booty Call or the "no booties" call.  We'll let you decide...  Vinnie got this shot of Sandy heading down to the surf.  If you're not serious, all you'll ever see is Sandy's backside as she's heading down for some waves.  She got her share of good one's today!

Another beautiful morning with almost 20 miles visibility and some high hazy clouds, but mostly sun.  Winds were offshore at checkout, but quickly turned around and became variable.  The sea surface was tacked a bit, but mostly smooth.  The air temperature was 47.0° and the water was 57.6°, although we felt a couple of warm spots.  High tide was at 7:47am +6.0' and low tide will be at 2:48pm -0.9'.  The buoy was reading a WSW swell out of 247° at 3.6' and we're calling it 3' to 5' with some nice thick outsides.

We don't get a lot of shots of boogers, but here's one of England Dave setting up for the inside round-up.  He got some good ones today.  Wish he'd get a new wetsuit though.  The one he's got is pretty ventilated...  Shot #3 is Mark "the Pool Man" slapping some lip on the inside of this long Sapphire right.  He was in the right spot 90% of the time today and didn't do too much unnecessary paddling.  We're not sure about how this swell will hold up for tomorrow, but there were some good ones today!  Sandy, Andrew, Mark and the Professor rotated through some nice ones for the best part of two hours.  Kinda like a really good home movie.  The homies were there...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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