White Collar Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Like, we're starting to worry that we're using up way too many summer days here in January and February.  How about some wind, big waves and even some rain, you know the sideways kind.  Even after yesterday's bit of a swell, the bottom still looks like a pool table.  There's a problem right there - you could see the bottom...  But week before last, Vinnie got this shot of Leonard going backside at Topaz Bay.  Big enough swell, good direction and sunny skies, made for a nice session...

You could see the minarets of Malibu across the blue at 22 miles under clear skies.  Winds were offshore at checkout by 4.6kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temperature was cool at 47.0° and the water continues at around 57.6°.  Low tide at 7:21am +1.6' and high tide will be at 12:44pm +2.7'.  The buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 258° at 3.0'.  Didn't look quite that big to us and we're calling it 1' to 2' in our little corner of the world.  26th St. in Manhattan has been getting some pretty good waves over the last couple of weeks.  We might have to take a look in the morning...

"Watch out - he's got a grinder and almost knows how to use it!"  Photo from Ché's security camera.  Here's the Professor eking out a bit of nose rocker on this eight foot Sandyland Special.  Almost ready for a candy shell coating.  "Birdie, you busy next week?"
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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