Mylar Holographic Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

What do Wheatley, TC, Ché, Don Kadowaki and the Professor have in common?  NO, not that...  Stop!  They all wear those Mylar™ holographic wrist bands.  "To what advantage?" you ask.  Well, how about balance, strength, flexibility and endurance and at the same time it reduces inflammation, pain and stress... we're reading from the package here... The Professor noted he no longer has that tacky white scum in the corners of his mouth as well!  Such an endorsement...

It's official, according to the local weather gurus we have had a warmer January 2011, than we had a July 2010!  We knew that!  And if this keeps up February will beat August.  A beautiful morning with 20 miles visibility and clear skies.  Winds were offshore at checkout at 2.3kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temperature was 53.1° and the water was 57.7°.  Low tide starts early at 5:19am +1.5' and high tide is at 11:03am +3.9'.  The buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 243° at 2.6'.  We're calling it 1' to 3', but it's hard to imagine why it's not bigger considering the direction, the open ocean swell height (5.6') and the swell period (8 seconds.)  Actually, what we need is a storm.  Something that will churn up the bottom, dredge a couple of sand bars and send some waves...

See the white stuff in the lower right hand corner of photo number 2?  No, that's not sand.  It's snow.  Andrew Staich's buddy Sean Hanlon sent these pics of  Nahat, Massachusetts, during a nice little swell a couple of weeks ago.  Guessin' that offshore was a bit brisk...

Finally, we have Chef Jimmy Barahona and Executive Chef Ché Barahona supervising the preparation of last Saturday's pig roast at the Becker factory, while Keeks snaps a few pics.  Okay, now we have to wait 5 hours...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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