Valentine's Day Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So, from whereabouts did YOU watch the Super Bowl?  Chuck sent us this shot from his box in Dallas.  He had another pic of two French chefs cooking their hors d'hoeuvres for the assembled guests.  "What do you think they were cooking?" he asked.  "Lobster?  Foie gras?  Truffles?"  "Nope - S'mores!" he said.

Partly cloudy with 20 miles visibility this morning.  Winds were soft offshore at 1.1kts this morning at checkout, while the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  Winds came up early.  The air temperature was 48.3° while the water temperature was 57.4°.  High tide was at 5:41am +5.5' and low tide will be at 1:07pm -0.6'.  The buoy is showing a WSW swell out of 247° at 2.0'.  We're calling it 1' to 2', but everyone is talking about it getting better as the week progresses.  Seems pretty certain that there will be some rain in the forecast.  We're hoping that might be what it takes to generate some waves.  It would be great if it rained on Wednesday, then Danger Boy could go in on Saturday!

Marco, watching the sun take a dive at the end of a fine Saturday evening up above Burke's Beach.  Looked like No. 3...

That's Bad:  Just got some news that Miloe hit the sawed off branch of a tree while skiing and is in the hospital trauma care unit with damage to his lungs, ribs etc! 
No, That's Good:  While poking around the cat-scan revealed he had an aneurysm in his ascending aorta that could have potentially vitiated his career.  He will have everything repaired and return to his regular programming...
Send prayers, good vibes and calming thoughts...

Applications Department:
We get a lot of folks who apply to become Lost Boys.  We go through the apps pretty scrupulously, but every once in a while one jumps out at you.  Either that, or we'll get a call.  Like this one that we got last week...

(Phone rings)  Hello, Lost Boys Surf & Culture Club, Applications Department, Miss Frobish speaking...
(Caller)  "Hello, is this the Lost Boys?"
(MF)  Yes, this is Miss Frobish, Applications Department...
(Caller)  Fine, This is the Lost Boys!  I am wishing to become a member...
(MF)  Can I have your name?
(Caller)  Yes, you can...  It's Hose-me Mubarak....
(MF)  Wait, do you mean Hosni Mubarak?
(HM)  NO!  It's pronounced HOSE-ME!
(MF)  From where are you calling?
(HM)  Me?  I'm calling from Egypt.  This is a satellite call - it's facking expensive!  This is the Throne room...  This is Mubarak!  I want to become a Lost Boy!  Not a loser!
(MF)  Yes sir, I understand...
(HM)  Is there an application fee?  The facking Swiss have frozen my accounts!  Why can't they just continue making the chocolates and unfreeze my facking bank accounts...  it's pissle me out!  I am so facking mad...
(MF)  Yes, that's the kind of thing that might make you upset.  There is a small fee...
(HM)  Can you wave the facking fee?  That's the Lost Boys - with waving and such facking around - it's with you I would like to become!  (hectic sounds in the background)  Hamid!  Calm the facking mob!  (gun shots  -  quiet)
(MF)  Just some personal information, if you please...
(HM)  I please.  For me please ask...
(MF)  Your height and weight...
(HM)  I am being 3 cubits, five and one half pyramid inches tall and weighing 4 thin concubines and a feather.
(MF)  Your address.
(HM)  Royal palace, Cairo, Egypt (lots of noise - offline:  Hamid, it's the mob again!)  With your courtesy, I have a mob here making it much difficulty to communicate.  I have just left the throne!  (offline:  You can kiss my sphinxter!  You unwashed jackals...)  Are you there Miss Furbush?
(MF)  Yes, I'm here...
(HM)  Can you wave my fee?  The facking Swiss have facking frozen my accounts!  There is a mob... (yelling,  "I have left the throne - you can kiss my sphinxter!")  NOT YOU, Miss Furbush.  Are you there?
(MF)  Yes, still here...
(HM)  I'm having a bad day here.  Very bad.  I heard Miloe hit a facking tree!  He too had a bad day.  There is no justice, NONE!  I want to hang about with the Danger Boy and the Coach and the Professor.  Is this possible?  Are they Jews?
(MF)  No, the closest thing you have to them would be the Copts.
(HM)  NO, DON'T CALL THE COPTS!  I have enough trouble already...
(MF)  Well, I think...  (bzzzzz...  the line goes dead)  Professor, can we send out for coffee?

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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