Wish I Had A Watermelon Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

The archetypal Southern California winter's day:  Sunny, cool and looks 20° warmer than it really is...  A couple of shots from last week, Friday.  #1. Has Cory way back warming up in the tube.  The water was 56° and the air was 45°, so he just broke out in a sweat.  Then we have the Professor bowing down in the temple dó surf.  He stuck his hand out and brought down the curtain in one fell swoop...

Partly cloudy with mostly sun this morning with 20 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the south by 3.4kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 45.2° and the water is 56.8°.  Low tide is at 7:33am +0.4' and high tide will be at 1:40pm +3.0'.  The buoy is reading a SW swell out of 219° at 2.6'.  We're calling it 2' with some fatter waves occasionally.  Supposed to be some better waves tomorrow...  Check'um out Kimosabé...

Thanks for the awesome news on Miloe. Although I don't' know him very well, I pray he be blessed with a complete and speedy recovery. We look forward to more good news.  Regarding my comments on Millard Fillmore: I am originally from Buffalo, NY where he founded the University of Buffalo (now SUNY at Buffalo,) my first attempt at higher education 43 years ago. I was recently wondering why the blue collar city of my birth was predominently republican. When I saw the lost Boys did not accept his application, I remembered Millard Fillmore's history and the secret society in whiich he was deeply enmeshed. But other than that, in the words of Sgt. Schultz, "I know nothing."
(No one knows Miloe very well.  He remains an enigmatic presence wherever he goes.  He was listed #6 in "Layton's Men of Mystery" last year (as opposed to Danger Boy's #58 rating and Tyrone James #66.)  Early on there were rumors that he either had no heart at all or a very small one (like the Professor, but not as greasy.)  Those have been proven false, obviously.  We too look for more good news, like, maybe the surf will get better...  Oh yeah, Miloe too...   Ed.)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."

 The Professor!!

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