Floating Into Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

The first thing you should know is that this isn't a swimming pool.  No, this is what is currently referred to as a "water feature."  They used to be called fountains or pools, but now they're water features.  Floating in the corner of this water feature (which just happens to be located on the roof of the Jonathan Boutique Hotel in Old Mazatlan) is our own James Wheatley.  He is shown trying to talk the two women from Oaxaca seated across from him into the pool.  You will note the waiter on the far left, who has never dealt with a situation quite like this before.  He doesn't know whether to get him another beer, ask him if he wants a menu or tell him to remove himself from the pool, err... water feature.

A bit of hazy sun this morning with 17miles visibility.  Winds were light out of the south at 3.3kts and the sea surface was mainly smooth.  The air temp was 73.2˚ and the water is a very nice 72.0˚.  Low tide was early at 5:45am +1.1' and high tide follows at 12:02pm +5.9'.  We have a SSW swell out of 192˚ at 3.0' and it's turning the corner better today than yesterday.  So it's 2' to 3' and some fun little dumpers...  It's worth it for the warm water alone...

So as you can clearly see Wheatley is a silver tongued devil!  He has now managed to talk almost everyone in the rooftop bar into the water feature.  This even includes the reluctant "Capitan" Donaldo.  The Capitan was concerned about getting his clothes wet and his beer warm.  He solution was genius itself.  He put his beer in a coozy and took off all his clothes!  No matter that at this point it started to rain...  it was still brilliant!
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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