Tanqueray Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

As the tide began to drop our photographer decided the angle might be getting more interesting from the point.  This gives you a chance to share James's view of the first turn down the line...

Hazy sun this morning with 15 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 65.5˚ and the water was 72.5˚.  Low tide was at 8:29am +2.7' and high tide creeps a bit at 3:36pm +5.0'.  Not much change this week but the second and fourth weeks of September have some pretty wild tidal shifts!  We have a (supposedly) building SSW swell out of 199˚ at 3.0'.  It's 2' at most spots as we wait for it to swing more to the west.  The forecast says 48hrs, so let's see what happens...

Then there's Mothra!  In a place where there were remarkably few insects (except for the f*#@ing gnats in the morning before the wind started up and blew them away) these babies were as big as a small bird.  In the evenings they would bomb any lights outside.  At first we thought they were bats.  They'd fly into you at top speed, which was like getting hit by a tennis ball, and then stick.  You'd have to peel off those prickly little velcro feets, one-by-one...  Here comes another one...!
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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