Lurking With Intent To Loom On A Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Here (#1) we have a professional lurker with a professional loomer.  On assignment in the far north, the Professor lurks behind the good doctor Scale who is in the midst of looming.  They were unable to fill us in on the details of their gambit, abundantly cautious about where such information might lead them and who may or may not be implicated.  Everyone is a suspect...

Meanwhile on the beach in Hermosa it was a beautiful morning with a spectacular sunrise.  20 miles visibility and relatively few clouds near the horizon.  Winds were light offshore 2 to 3kts and the sea surface was near glassy.  The air was a chilly 49.9º and the water is 59.4º, although the swimmer ladies told us it felt colder.  High tide was at 8:41am +6.2' and low tide will be at 4:17pm -0.8'.  We have a west swell out of 264º that's trying it's best to be bigger than the 3' recorded at the buoy.  It looked like it might be 3' to a large 4' with some wall-bombs battering the impact area.  Christian made it out without getting his hair wet and proceeded to duck into some tubes that locked him in the vault.

Trying to have a contest this week with Redondo vs Penn.  We'll let you know if that materializes.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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