Man-Made Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " W hen I think of all the people I respect the most, you're right there, serving them drinks." Lawrence Dorfman R emember that first wave? How you'd been pushed into a couple, then you tried to paddle. And you paddled and paddled... Then something clicked. You got a bit of speed, the noodle arms disappeared and you were flying along on your own. Here we have the newly arrived (by hours from the motherland) Marco, on one of his first... B ack to summer, while the calendar still thinks it's winter. 20 miles visibility, under predominantly clear skies. Winds were out of the east by 2.3kts and the sea surface had a light tack. The air temperature was a chilly 45.3°, the water was 57.9° and even though that woman called you a reptile last week, you are still 98.6°. High tide is at 7:08am +6.0' and low tide will be at 2:17pm -1.0'. We have a nice wind swell from 262° west at 5.2' and we're calling it 4' to 6' o...