Lake Woebegone Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Then, of course, you could be on the other side of the equator basking in the warm summer sunlight of Lorne, Australia.  You might be waiting for Brian Murphy to take part in this year's Lifeguard Iron Man competition, or you might be waiting for the surf to get a bit bigger, or you might be having a chilled Fosters in the shade.  If you were doing all of these things, you could be just like Bobby Gabrielli.  And we'd be as jealous as we are right now...

It's a beautiful day though and we have 25 mph visibility.  That means if you're going 25 mph you can see just as far and fast as you want.  Clear skies with only a few errant clouds chalking up the blue.  Winds were offshore at checkout by 7.5kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temperature was 44.9° and the water was 55.2°.  High tide was at 9:07am +6.1' and it's dropping about a foot an hour to 4:14pm -0.8'.  We have a WSW swell out of 255° at 3.3'.  We're calling it from Hermosa at 3' to almost 4' just before the high tide.  (And that all seemed wonderful.  We were going to wait until the tide went down and then we were going to hit it.  Oh yeah, well the tide went out and the surf dropped 2' and although it might be excellent conditions for hunting sea glass, sea slugs and squishy anemones, it's turned out to be lousy for surfing.  So what is today's lesson? :  It almost never gets BETTER.)

"She got her good looks from her father.  He was a plastic surgeon."

Don't forget Keegan's on the 14th.  Ask them to play, "It's All About Me."

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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