Blue Telescope Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Love your enemies... it pisses them off.

It was a long way back!  Photo #1 shows our tracks back from the middle of Lake Payette.  You might ask what we were doing in the middle of Lake Payette.  Well, it's the middle of winter and it's just about the only time you can stand on the middle of the lake and not sink to the bottom.  Especially wearing snowshoes.  Photo #2 has LoLa modeling this year's snowshoeing ensemble.  Even though the thermometer said it was 15° it got pretty warm out there shoeing through the 6" of new snow.  Let it be known that the Professor didn't think that trekking out to the middle of the lake was the best idea that LoLa ever had.  Exertion aside, he wasn't sure that the ice was thick enough way out there in the center.  We seem to remember having the same kind of discussion off the trail walking through crusted-over lava on the Big Island.  These are the kinds of discussions you have when you outweigh your snowshoeing/hiking partner by 60lbs and she's your beneficiary...

Nice to be where it's warm!  Mostly sunny skies and 20 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore at checkout by 2.1kts and the sea surface was glassy to smooth.  The air temperature was 48.2° and the water was 58.1° (That was at 7:15am, by 3pm this afternoon it was 60.4°!  It actually felt a bit warmer.  Sandy Q.O.S. told us that she even went in without booties Friday and Saturday.)  Low tide was at 7:56am +1.1' and high tide will be at 1:36pm +3.3'.  The buoy says the swell is out of the WSW 252° at 2.6'.  We paddled out for some exercise and ended up catching a few just for grins.  Hey, you almost never regret going out.  It's when you don't go out that you regret it for sure...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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