Funambulistic Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Goin' for one more sunny day here in the southland...  but first a bit of breaky at Brother's with the crew.  Wait!  Who's that second on the left?  Why, it's Marco!  Not even 24 hours from the mother country and he's having a burrito at Bros.  Now that's stylin'...  Marco will be here for three months interning with Zoë Maggio at the Pediatric Therapy Network.  We're thinking he might get in the water a bit between work and school...

Twenty miles visibility with just some smoggies blurring the horizon.  Winds were offshore at checkout by 5.6kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temp is 50.5° and the water is 57.9°.  High tide is early at 4:29am +5.5' and low tide will follow at 12:09pm -0.2'.  The buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 250° at 3.0' and we're calling it 3', but a little wally crashy...  look for some corners and report back...  We talked Danger Boy out of a Cove go-out and that was probably a mistake.  When in doubt, go for it...

Day before yesterday - Sandy finally talked Don Swift into a little go-out at Sapphire.  It was small, but just what he needed to get back in the swing of things.  Don't worry, it won't be long before he's taking the big drops at Topaz...

Then, we have a new addition to the Morgan clan;  Tandis adopted "Pogo" from the shelter and discovered one of the sweetest dogs you could imagine under all that fur.  Part Poodle, Pit Bull, Lab, Huskie and Rottweiler.  A perfect mix for the intrepid pet lover...

Finally, happy hour at El Torito on the Redondo Pier.  6 - 6:30ish.  No host cocktails, appetizers and seating in the bar...  Come meet Marco before he's been jaded by our culture!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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