To Tuesday With Love Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Here in photo number one we have Ché's latest balsa quiver.  All of these are around 6' and a couple sport those laminated tailblocks.  Unless you're into Chippendale or Early American, these should ultimately satisfy your woody cravings...

You'd have to really search long and hard to find a more archetypal Southern California day.  The sun came oozing up on schedule into a cloudless blue sky.  We popped put of bed and ran onto the lanai to find at least 25 miles visibility.  Winds have been calm to zephyr-like and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature at checkout was 55.0° and the water was 57.6° but felt at least 59°.  No, you can really tell...  High tide was at 7:28am +6.5' and you can really find a lot of hidden beach at 2:42pm at the -1.3' low.  The buoy continues to rise as we have a 3.3' WSW swell from 254°.  We caught Topaz at 10am with some nice 3' to 4' warping lines slinging the attending surfistas down the beach.  And who attended you ask!  Like, Birdie, Buffalo Kevin Holmes, Mark the Pool Man, Little John, Sandy QOS, the Professor, Mike Purpus, Tommy Horrigan and Nail-Head Silva.  Purpus on three consecutive waves managed to cut off: Mark, the Professor and Kevin, in that order.  On wave no. 4 Birdie had a chance to stuff Mike, but wouldn't do it despite encouragement from the aggrieved peanut gallery.  Why?  Because he is so damned nice... that's why.

Our second pic has Danger Boy with his finger on that little tiny flag in the center of the photo.  Actually, he's pointing to that fine little roller just south of the Oceanside pier.  See how good it is?  It was better on the north side...

On Greg Boyle:
LB et al,
I absolutely 2d the Prof's and the Coach/Deak's invitation to come hear Fr Greg.  Without doubt, this guy walks the walk of the Gospel.  I've had several opps to hear/meet him; we try never to miss.  He reminds me of one of those Mother Teresa type people who have an idea of fostering the Kingdom here and now.
Most of you know me to be overly cynical.   As reluctant as I am to put any human on a pedestal,  I believe this man is the real deal.
(You mean he's really marble?  Marbleized?  A statue?...  Ed.)

Here, Here to Fr. Boyle. Home Boys Bakery sellls their bread at the Cnetury City Farmer's Market. My neighbor picks up their wholewheat with cranberries for me. It is deeeelicious.
(Aha!  A wholewheat with cranberries Christian!  We suppose it beats doughnuts...  Ed.)

Surfing up the coast:
Hey Dude,
Surfed campus point (actually Poles) with Luke yesterday in Santa Barbara.  What a great little wave!  And Luke has it so wired.  My inclination was to go to the more crowded Campus Point but Luke says, no we'll stay here and solo Poles - and we did.  Though it was only in the knee high range, once you get going it's a pretty nice (and long) little wave.  Glad you had fun in Oceanside.  I'm in Mexico for the rest of the week.
Tyrone James
(Every other place seems to have long waves - maybe we're just in a bigger hurry?   Ed.)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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