Guantanamera Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Somos hombres sinceros... but you knew that.  We are the peaceful men from the land of the palm trees!  But that doesn't stop the Danger Boy from doing his job.  Nope, as our eyes were glued to the break at the south jetty in Oceanside, he quite adroitly pointed out these warning signs on the bank of the San Luis Rey River, suggesting you bathe and surf elsewhere until the bacteria level zeroed out.  Needless to say the surf was populated by a number of hearty illiterates...

Big time foggies this morning with about 100 yards visibility, although you can see the sun shining overhead, mocking your attempts to see through the wet.  Winds are calm, but feel a bit like they're leaning onshore.  The sea surface is obscured, but we can imagine it's smooth.  The air temperature is a moist 54.1° and the water is an even moister 57.7°.  High tide is at 8:09am +6.7' and low tide will be at 3:17pm -1.5'.  The buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 257° true at 4.6' and we're calling it 3' to 5' based mostly on the sound.  We're waiting for the tide to go down a tad and the fog to clear.  To our credit, this is the kind of fog that should dissipate.  Not like that persistent fog that affects our cognitive processes...  By the way this would be a great afternoon to do some beach combing.  Really low tide from around 2 to 4pm.  All you need is a bucket, a comb and some bare feets...  Yes you actually comb the sand...

Our second shot is the setting sun setting the creek rocks to "nuke."

Coincidence or more?
Dear Franz,
Coincidence, spent Sunday aftnoon in Oside w/ HS classmate & his wife.  Watched the sunset from the rooftop deck.  Quite spectacular.  I didn't go out [LOL]; my bud was out in the A.M.

(Photo the third, illustrates and supports Paver's claims to the spectacularity of the sunset...  Ed.)

(Note:  We'll be out of town for the next five days so the Surf & Culture Report will be sporadic at best.  The surf is supposed to get better, so get out there and hit it!   Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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