Everyone's A Writer Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Our first photo is a shot Vinnie got yesterday at Topaz of the Queen of Sapphire going really fast.  You can tell she's going fast because she's just a tad blurry from the speed.  But take a look at the tube that's following her.  You can see it getting ready to spit.  That little vortex is just spinning away trying to catch that fiberglass spear.  Didn't happen this time...

January 25th and we're having the nicest little summer's day you can imagine.  20 miles visibility and some high clouds shuffling about the stratosphere.  Winds were offshore at checkout at 6.0kts and the sea surface was smooth verging on glassy.  The air temperature was 51.5° and the water was 57.9°.  Low tide was a bit late at 9:34am +0.8' and high tide will be at 3:34pm +2.8'.  Buoy #46221 is reading a WSW swell out of 243° at 2.6'.  We're calling it 2' to 3' but wally-crashy at the Avenues and longer wallier-crashier waves at Hermosa.  The Cove had some good waves, but there were quite a few other folks who felt the same way, so we passed...

Photo #2 is the Professor stalling, so he can run to the nose - which he did for about two seconds.  Then he launched himself into the briney/sandy shorebreak for a sloppy-Joe, one-point landing.  One of those where you get sand all the way up to your calves under your long suit and over your booties.

"Better to regret what you did than what you didn't do."
Donna "Danger Girl" Ball
(We guess that does seem to be the point of regretting, isn't it.  So, maybe, you shouldn't do anything you'll regret.  Or don't regret something you didn't do, even if they have pictures...  Ed.)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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