Frozen Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Reporting from the frozen wild of Boise, Idaho, we're on our way to McCall and the snow at Brundage.  We had no idea what these antlered creatures were and set about to I.D. them.  We initially thought they might be reindeer, but they appear tailless and absolutely the wrong coloration.  Then we considered elk, but the antlers are a bit soft.  In their manner of propulsion they resembled the jackalope, but certainly clumsier and slower than those of which we are familiar.  They also appear to be odd-toed and sticky fingered.  No doubt, we have stumbled on a an entirely new species and we are left to name and identify said creature.  So we have settled on Bovidae Chevrolet Impala, or more commonly the Sandbox Antelope.  They lose their antlers early, so we were lucky to get this shot.  We understand that later they can grow horns...

At the moment we are seeing a bit of the high tide fullness and waiting for things to drop.  Sunny with some lurking clouds and offshore winds at 4.3kts.  The sea surface is smooth.  The air temp at checkout was 56.0° and the water is 57.6°.  On Tuesday and Wednesday we kept running into warm spots that must have been close to 60!  Downright tropical...  High tide is at 9:39am +6.3' and low tide will follow at 4:30pm -1.0', way low.  The 46221 buoy is telling us we have a WSW swell out of 255° at 2.3'.  But right now things are too full to keep from landing on the beach.  Patience, patience, patience...  Of course the forecast doesn't seem to be as rosy as we thought a couple of days ago.  Smaller and less intense, we might have to wait until next week to see some better waves.

Finally, we have an example of breakfast in America.  Nope, no yogurt and granola for these folks.  You start out strong and stay that way all day!  We especially appreciated the green bean casserole...  Say, when's lunch?
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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