All Of The Saints Friday Surf &Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

A beautiful clear morning as we stare into the abyss.  There it is friends, the Abyss (#1) or the cesspool of the Pacific.  Two things that stood out for us:  1) How high the tide was this morning.  It's a 6'.0" tide at 9:10am but it looks even higher than that.  Cutting some nice scallops on the berm.  2) How far the outfall is from the surf line.  You might recall that last year the outfall was right on the surfline.  Now it's a good 40' from the water! Low tide is at 4:08pm +-0.0'.  This suggests to us that the Amphidromic Point was right about  1:02pm...  We were kinda hoping you'd ask about the Amphidromic Point mostly because we just learned about it from our tidal expert Anupa.  Here:

"An amphidromic point, also called a tidal node, is a geographical location where there is little or no difference in sea height between high tide and low tide; it has zero tidal amplitude for one harmonic constituent of the tide.[2] The tidal range (the peak-to-peak amplitude, or the height difference between high tide and low tide) for that harmonic constituent increases with distance from this point, though not uniformly. As such, the concept of amphidromic points is crucial to understanding tidal behaviour.[3] The term derives from the Greek words amphi ("around") and dromos ("running"), referring to the rotary tides which circulate around amphidromic points.[4] It was first discovered by William Whewell, who extrapolated the cotidal lines from the coast of the North Sea and found that the lines must meet at some point.[5]"wikipedia

That being said and the fact that English is our second language, we might have gotten it totally wrong and there might be Tidal Nodes out there waiting to have no difference between high and low tide all over the Pacific.  If they're there, we'll find them.

Meanwhile, the air temp was 50.2º and the water is 61.2º.  We have a WSW swell out of 248º at 2.6' and it's about 3' very close to the sand.  If the wind holds off it might be better in the pm.  Word is that Anupa is leading an excursion to the Cove in the afterburner.

(P.S. We misspelled afternoon in the last sentence and autocorrect gave us afterburner as an option.  We couldn't resist.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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