
Showing posts from October, 2024

Wiskerino Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A bout a 150 years of mustachios here (#1).  The Professor, Anupa's dad Asokan and Doc Scale were checking things out on the pier this morning and having a little brekky to boot.  To top it off it was the day after Dane's birthday so we had a cake and candles and general amusements.  Always a good time... O vercast and hazy with about 4 to 5 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the SSW at calm to 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 62.2º and the water was 65.7º, despite the overcast skies.  High tide was at 8:49am +6.3' and low tide is at 3:10pm -0.2'.  It's a SW swell out of 215º at 3.6' and the surf was 4' to 5' and some thick punchy waves, very close to shore.  Once again Christian paddled out and to his credit spent a lot of time waiting for some bigger ones.  He kept pulling into these hopeless pits, but it made for some great spectating! M añana we're heading out for Oahu and some quality time wit

Cuneiform Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o we were looking at this example (#1) of cuneiform writing and couldn't make heads or tails of it.  Turns out it was a "DO NOT ENTER / NO TRESPASSING" sign in ancient Sumerian.  That made it all clear... A nd like that the ocean really started to look different this morning.  A couple of weeks ago we were boogieing and now there are some legitimate slabs out there.  Overcast with some considerable haze dropping the visibility to 5 miles.  Winds were flukey out of the SW by 1 to 5kts.  The sea was textured, but not whitecapping.  The air temperature was 63.3º and the water is holding at 65.5º.  High tide was at 8:20am +5.8' and low tide will be at 2:25pm +0.5' before we run into some minuses in the afternoons.  There's a SSW swell out of 212º at 3.6' and it was a solid 4' with some bigger outsides.  Not much in the way of corners, but Justin, Hans and Christian made a good attempt a grabbing some of the more promising waves.  Ch

Nothing To See Here Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e were on a surf trip down south and we pulled up at a spot that had a sign much like this one (#1).  We all looked at it and Jim Campbell said, "What does that sign say?"  We all shrugged.  Surfers can't read "No Trespassing" signs... O vercast this morning with 10 miles visibility and winds light offshore out of the SSE.  A rolling sea surface with 61.5º in the air and 65.5º in the water.  High tide was at 7:54am +5.2' and low tide will be at 1:41pm +1.3'.  It's a SSW swell out of 192º at 3.9' and it was a thumping 3' to 4' with some fat outsides.  Could be some waves for the next few days! T oday is Columbus / Indigenous People's Day.  Big news out of Spain is that Columbus wasn't exactly an Italian, but a Sephardic Jew from western Europe (most likely Spain.)  They've done a DNA workup on some of his remains, and concluded that it IS him that's buried in the cathedral in Seville (which if you

Foggier Than Most Fridays Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Gee whiz Batman, when is this fog going to lift?  Kinda like we've been transported to San Francisco and are sitting on the wrong dock of the bay.  We actually had a great pic of the fog but it looked like the middle of the Pantone Gray Scale and wasn't going to be very exciting.  Instead, you know how people are always telling you to be present in the moment?  Okay, maybe they don't tell YOU, but they tell us all the time.  So here we have the Professor standing on the corner of "Here and Now."  If that's not present we don't know what is… So we're clear (ha, ha) on the foggy situation.  No wind to speak of and the sea surface under these conditions is more than likely glassy.  The air is a moisture laden 63.5 and the water is 65.3.  High tide is at 7:15am +3.9' and low tide follows quickly at 10:50am +3.5'. It's an invisible SSW swell out of 203 degrees at 2.3' and it might be 1' to 2' if you could see an

Over The Hills & Far Away Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Gotta go on a bit about Redondo's stellar performance in the first round of the South Bay Scholastic Surfing Association's "Kickoff Classic."  We're going to start with the Familia's own Milly Horstman (#1) who not only got first place, but scored the highest heat total of the entire contest, with a staggering score of 14.30!  Considering the conditions it was a fabulous performance.  But it didn't stop there.  Coco Buffani, Soren Preston and Giselle Della Ripa all got firsts in their heats.  Seconds went to Evan Jablonski, Dylan Morrisroe, Sheamus Swift and Michael D'Angelo.  Keani Honda-Snow got a third place with a majority of our athletes advancing! This morning we have foggy hazy skies with 7 miles visibility.  Winds are light out of the south by 2 to 3rds. The sea surface is smooth.  The air temp is 60.0 and the water is 65.7.  One high tide at 2:43pm +4.7'.  There are actually going to be TWO tides tomorrow, so calm dow

North By Northeast Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ow about a little surf art to get you on your way... (#1)  Working drawing for the "Model Tio" Barahona Bullet.  O vercast but not particularly foggy this morning.  Winds were light onshore at 1 to 3kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 64.0º and the water is 65.7º.  One tide at 12:56pm +4.9' and tomorrow we have another bump in the middle of the day.  It's a SSW swell out of 212º at 2.6' and it was 2' to almost 3' but right on the sand.  Need some lower tides. Heading up to Idaho and we'll be trying to check the cams and give you the score. Back on Sunday night and on the beach on Monday!  See you then... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

He Had A Hat Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o maybe you didn't notice, but it's still foggier than hell out there (we assume in hell the heat burns off the fog.  Not to be confused with smoke, which no doubt, hell probably has in abundance.)  One of the interesting effects of all this fog is that a lot of places have automatic switches that turn off the lights when it gets sunny.  Since the fog keeps things dim even as the sun comes up, the lights remain on.  This shot (#1) is of the Lighthouse (in case you have issues reading neon) in those specific conditions. B esides all that, winds are light onshore about 1 to 3kts and the sea surface is smooth.  The air is a soggy 64.0º and the water is even soggier at 65.5º.  One tide again today at 11:58am +5.2'.  It's a SW swell out of 227º at 1.6' and it was 1' and poor at all of our reporting stations except for Sapphire which is pool-table flat... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

Teach A Fish To Fly Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... Wouldn't it be nice to have some surf to report about?  The simple answer is "yes."  But, and it's a big BUT, we're going to forge ahead and give you the particulars anyway.  5 miles visibility and pretty hazy conditions although it looks like the sun is trying to melt the haze.  Winds were offshore by 1 to 3kts. and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temp was 64.5º and the water is 65.8º.  High tide is at 10:14am +5.6' and low tide follows at 4:55pm +0.6' (Maybe good for a walk on the hard sand.  Don't step on a bee.  Been lots of them on the shallow sand.)  SSW swell out of 206º at 2.3' and it was half of that on the beach.  Just to whet your appetite we've included this shot of the Professor in Nicaragua at "Soupbowls", or "Chicken Soup", or "Noodles".  They were all lefts... Some of you know that the Professor has sparred with some health issues recently.  He submitted this (Attachment) t

Teach A Man To Fish Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A nother gray morning with the fog trying to roll in.  Winds are offshore 3 to 5kts.  The air temp is 64.3º and the water is 64.8º.  High tide is at 9:55am +5.5' and low tide follows at 4:22pm +0.8'.  There's barely a SSW swell out of 209º at 2.3' and it's 1' on the beach. S o if you've been following the report you're aware that the Professor, on these small days, has been fishing.  The operative word is "fishing" and not "catching."  That all came to a grinding halt yesterday when this Yellowfin Croaker (#1) ate the sandcrab on the Professor's hook.  The result was that the Professor caught a fish.  Fortunately, Doc Scale was there to record the event (also #1).  It was a good thing that Doc was there because in the Laurel and Hardy skit which ensued, they released the fish, the hook came boing-ing back and caught the Professor!  It took both of them (with some eccentric contortions) to free the Professor.

Pumpkin Spice Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... So once again October has come in like a pumpkin.  Our fave this year is the pumpkin kringle at Trader Joe's.  It actually resembles a pumpkin quesadilla and goes great with ice cream.  Pumpkin ice cream would be redundant, but delicious... October also came in foggy and damp.  Here (#1) we have Doc emerging from the mists following the fog horn to the pier.  Visibility was about 200yds and winds were calm.  The air was 60.0º and the water is 64.9º.  High tide is at 9:19am +5.2' and low tide will be at 3:19pm +1.0'.  There's an invisible 2.0' west swell out of 275º and if you could see it it's 1' and poor... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!